聲之送暖電話探訪 Phone Visit

#English at bottom ‘聲之送暖’是一項以電話關心老友記的事工。 一通電話,一聲關注,對他們尤其重要。 – 我們會定期打電話與老友記們傾計,關愛他們,送上一點暖意,一分關懷。 如你認識一些老友記,願意讓我們致電關心的話,請聯絡我們。 (以粵語或英語傾談均可) ‘Phone Visit’ is a ministry for the Elderly. We will phone the elderly to chitchat with them periodically, caring for them. If you know some elderly who are willing to receive our phone call, please contact us. (Chat with Cantonese or English)


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