#English at bottom
香港豐盛生命基督教會(下稱本會),是一所五旬宗式的獨立地方堂會, 本會在2004年由Pastor Paul建立。
Pastor Paul是一位法定失明人士,他在出生時已患眼疾,視力隨著時間衰退。 在他還是少年時,主耶穌基督拯救了他,把平安、喜樂和希望賜給他,讓他得以從眼疾的陰霾中走出來,積極地邁步前行。
在1999年,Pastor Paul蒙上帝的呼召,毅然放棄電腦生意,全時間奉獻,接受訓練成為牧者。
於2004年、Pastor Paul在退修中,領受到為主耶穌開荒教會的異像,經過禱告並與屬靈牧長傾談後,他就在天水圍開荒本會。 本會把上帝的愛與關懷帶給有需要的朋友。本會也致力於各種社區的服事如探訪老人院和到校園舉辦正面人生講座等。 願神大大使用本會廣傳福音並牧養社區。 榮耀歸主。 阿們!
Hong Kong Abundant Life Christian Church is a Pentecostal Local Church which was initiated in 2004 by Pastor Paul.
Pastor Paul is a legally blind person who got his eye disease when he was born, and his sight has been getting weaker and weaker as time flies. When he was a youth, Lord Jesus Christ saved him and granted him Peace, Joy and Hope, and enabled him to walk out from sadness and live positively.
Pastor Paul was called by God to serve HIM and thus he gave up his computer business and was trained to be a pastor. In 2004, at a retreat camp, Paul perceived the vision of initiating a church for Lord Jesus. After praying and discussing with senior pastors, he established our church in Tin Shui Wai.
Our church brings the love and care of God to the needy. We also do social services such as visiting the Elderly Home and hold Positive Life Talks at campuses etc.
May God use us to preach the Gospel and to pastor the community. Glory unto God. Amen!